At the start of August, the Newmind team packed their bags and hiked out to Pretty Lake Camp in Mattawan for the 2021 team Summer Bash.
We shared lunch, catered by our favorite Amber Adams-Fall (whose culinary expertise you may know if you’ve attended our Christmas parties).

Then we shared awards from our yearly peer review survey. In the survey, our full team ranks each member of Newmind Group according to how well we each embody our core values. Our winners this year:
Abbi VanDyken
Create Delight
Garrett Wenger
Deliver Trust
Amy Rizzo
Amy Rizzo
Own What You Do
Andrew Schull
Newminder of the Year
Heath Miller

After our value awards, the rest of the team had a chance to award some custom awards, just for fun—Ben Morris, longtime Funniest Newminder received the award for his fourth year running. Dawn Millar, known for her uniquely calm phone persona received the ASMR Award, and Cary Frick passed the torch of our “Zero Days” Award (as in, “Zero Days Without Incident”) to Steve Chang for 2021.
Lastly, Amy Rizzo found her face printed on a stack of 100 custom dollar bills, ready to be loaded into a money-gun. This not-so-legal-tender is a “$0” bill, to commemorate Amy helping our accounts receivable reach a hard fought $0 balance.
Our afternoon by the lake was capped off with a flash rainstorm, but we all came out unscathed. It’s been a great summer for us, and we hope you’re having a good one too!