Google Apps Deployment Services
Setup and Provisioning
From registering or transferring your domain to setting up the individual user/email accounts, we handle every step of the process to make sure that the transition to Google Apps is as smooth as possible.
Data Migration
We can migrate email, contacts, and calendar data seamlessly from a variety of hosts. Whether it be Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes, Groupwise, or hosted with your web host, we will ensure that your current and archived data is migrated smoothly to Google Apps.
We provide live webinars, custom on-site training, and eLearning videos to help train you and your staff on Google Apps so that your organization can hit the ground running. We offer training opportunities before and after your migration, to help minimize frustration and to help you maximize all of the productivity enhancing benefits that Google Apps has to offer.
LDAP Synchronization / Single Sign-On
We can automatically provision users, groups, and non-employee contacts based on the user data in your LDAP server, such as Microsoft Active Directory or Lotus Domino. We can also setup and deploy single sign-on functionality for the users on your domain.
Google Apps Script Customization
We love developing creative solutions within the Google Apps environment. Developing custom Google Apps Scripts for your organization will benefit your staff by simplifying repetitive tasks in Docs and Spreadsheets. We would love to learn more about your processes and workflows, and discuss how we can simplify and streamline your daily operations.
Request a Quote
Submit the form below and a Newmind Team member will contact you regarding Google Apps.
Organization *
Phone *
First Name *
Last Name *
E-Mail Address
function Validate(form) {
if (typeof(document.getElementById(“ATAccName”)) != ‘undefined’){
if (document.getElementById(“ATAccName”).value == “”) {
alert(“Please provide an Organization value.”);
return false;
if (typeof(document.getElementById(“ATAccPhone”)) != ‘undefined’){
if (document.getElementById(“ATAccPhone”).value == “”) {
alert(“Please provide a Phone value.”);
return false;
if (typeof(document.getElementById(“ATConFName”)) != ‘undefined’){
if (document.getElementById(“ATConFName”).value == “”) {
alert(“Please provide a First Name value.”);
return false;
if (typeof(document.getElementById(“ATConLName”)) != ‘undefined’){
if (document.getElementById(“ATConLName”).value == “”) {
alert(“Please provide a Last Name value.”);
return false;
if (typeof(form.ATOppCreateDate) != ‘undefined’){
if (form.ATOppCreateDate.value != “”){
if (vbIsDate(form.ATOppCreateDate.value) == false){
alert(“You must enter a valid Opportunity Create Date.”);
return false;}
if (typeof(form.ATOppProjCloseDate) != ‘undefined’){
if (form.ATOppProjCloseDate.value != “”){
if (vbIsDate(form.ATOppProjCloseDate.value) == false){
alert(“You must enter a valid Opportunity Projected Close Date.”);
return false;}
function IsValidTime(timeStr) {
var timePat = /^(d{1,2}):(d{2})(:(d{2}))?(s?(AM|am|PM|pm))?$/;
var matchArray = timeStr.match(timePat);
if (matchArray == null) {
return false;
hour = matchArray[1];
minute = matchArray[2];
second = matchArray[4];
ampm = matchArray[6];
if (second==””) { second = null; }
if (ampm==””) { ampm = null }
if (hour 12) {
return false;
if (hour <= 12 && ampm == null) {
return false;
if (minute 59) {
return false;
if (second != null && (second 59)) {
return false;
return true;
function get_difference(startTime, endTime) {
// function returns the hours mins of endtime minus start time
var hours = get_hour(endTime) – get_hour(startTime);
var minutes = get_minute(endTime) – get_minute(startTime);
return (hours + (minutes / 60));}
function get_hour(inTime) {
var tempDate = new Date(’12/31/9999′ + ‘ ‘ + inTime);
function get_minute(inTime) {
var tempDate = new Date(’12/31/9999’ + ‘ ‘ + inTime);
function vbIsDate(dDate){
var date = new Date(dDate);
return !isNaN(date);
_kmq.push([‘trackSubmit’, ‘ATForm’, ‘GApps Deployment Submission’]);