by Luke Reynolds | Oct 1, 2015 | Blog, Innovation
Unless you’ve been on blocking out tech news from any feeds you follow, you’ve likely heard the term Ransomware thrown around a lot in the past year. It’s making many headlines, and is one of the most popular, simple, and lucrative methods being used by predators...
by Luke Reynolds | Sep 28, 2015 | Blog, Mobility
Cloud-based software may be governing a lot of things in the market right now, but according to Dell’s 2013 Case for Corporate Email, only 9% of businesses have moved to an exclusively cloud-based solution, and 44% have no cloud-based support whatsoever. There are a...
by Luke Reynolds | Jul 17, 2015 | Blog, Innovation, Security
There’s a malware threat online, maybe lurking in your inbox or spam folder, called Ransomware. It’s been around for a while, but recent months have seen it gaining traction, under different names you may have heard, such as Cryptolocker, Cryptowall, and TeslaCrypt....
by Luke Reynolds | Jun 10, 2015 | Innovation, Security
You may not have heard much about Windows 10 yet, but it marks some big changes on Microsoft’s end, as well as some returns to classic form (read: the Start button is back!). The OS gets it’s “official” release at the end of July, and they’re hoping to get a boost in...
by Luke Reynolds | May 12, 2015 | Blog, Innovation
We’ve been taking a deeper look at disruptive and incremental innovation and this week we’re exploring how they into a few frameworks. Innovation Cycle The innovation cycle is built on three core stages: build, measure, and learn. The innovation cycle is the path...