Windows XP hack: A Newmind yay or nay?

Windows XP hack: A Newmind yay or nay?

  Windows XP sure knows how to stay in the headlines! It all started when Microsoft officially ended support for this old operating system in April. Shortly after that, there was all that buzz around the Internet Explorer vulnerability, which, despite their...
‘Tread lightly’ Windows XP users

‘Tread lightly’ Windows XP users

  It has been over one month now since Microsoft has ended support for Windows XP. This means you can say ‘Goodbye’ to automatic updates and technical assistance for this 12-year-old system. Here are some recommendations to keep your information protected. What...
IE – Put a patch on it!

IE – Put a patch on it!

  Hopefully you’re already in the know about the huge security flaw that has been discovered for all versions (6-11) of Internet Explorer. Maybe you’re not. Maybe all you know is that IE has been having some issues. Well, to keep it short, IE versions 6-11 were...
4 things to know when deploying chromebooks

4 things to know when deploying chromebooks

This is the second part of a two-part blog series about purchasing and deploying chromebooks. You can find the first blog here.   Alright, so you’ve already made your decision on what kind of Chromebooks you want. Now they’ve been shipped on their way! What now?...